JNTU Hyderabad 3-2 Sem Regular/Supply Timetable 2024:The notification is for the candidates who are searching for 3rd-year 2nd Semester Exam Timetable 2024. on this page, The candidates we provide all detailed information regarding Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad JNTU Hyderabad 3-2 sem 2024 Timetable. Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad (JNTUH) is going to be released 3-2 Sem Regular/supply Timetable 2024. So all the candidates of JNTU Hyderabad and affiliated colleges have to check here for JNTUH 3-2 Sem Reg/Supply Timetable.
This notification is for all branches, like ECE, EEE, Civil, Mech, CSE etc. In this page, The candidates we will be given all details such as JNTUH 3-2 Semester Regular Timetable for R16, JNTUH 3-2 Semester Supply timetables 2024 for R18, R16, R15 and so on. The candidates check the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad (JNTUH) official website i.e, JNTUH.ac.in.
JNTUH 3-2 TimeTable 2024
Organization Name | Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad (JNTUH) |
Name of the Exam | JNTUH B. Tech/B. Pharmacy 3-2 Semester Regular/ Supply exam |
Name Of The Course | B. Tech/B. Pharmacy |
Type Of Exam | Semester/External |
Category | JNTUH B. Tech/B. Pharmacy 3-2 Sem Regular/ Supply Exam timetables |
Exams Conducted in | updated soon |
Status | Not Yet Released |
Organization Website | Jntuh.edu.in |
JNTUH 3-2 B.tech Sem Regular Timetable
The Candidates can check the official website get all the updated latest information about JNTUH B.Tech 3rd year 2nd-semester exam table available here. Recently, released the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad (JNTUH) has this notification for Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad (JNTUH) B.Tech 3-2 Sem Regular Timetable 2024. This notification R16 regulation timetable can download the JNTU Hyderabad B.tech 3-2 sem Regular Timetable 2024. at the same, It also released 3rd-year 2nd-semester Exam timetable for B.pharmacy course.
The candidates belong to these courses can have to download JNTUH B.pharm 3-2 sem Regular Timetable 2024. So, all the candidates we will provide this Timetable in PDF format available on this page. so, The aspirants can easily download. Here on this page, we will check the official links to download these timetables available here.
How to check JNTUH 3-2 Timetable Regular/Supplementary Result
So, all the candidates follow the Below we are given the step by step process to check JNTU Hyderabad B.Tech 3-2 Timetable (R18, R16, R15 Regulation) which is conducted in May 2024 and also download the result sheet.
Step 1: Candidates, First Visit the official results website of JNTU Hyderabad using the direct link, www.jntuh.ac.in.
Step 2: After opening the homepage, you are required to click on the “JNTU Hyderabad 3-2 Timetable” link.
Step 3: You will be opening the results link, in which you are required to select any of the two servers available.
Step 4: Enter your hall ticket number, Date of Birth and other particulars required in the fields provided and click on ‘Enter’.
Step 5: You can find your marks sheets being displayed on the screen along with your name.
Step 6: Take a printout of your marks sheet for future use for Applying Revaluation/ Recounting / Supplementary Exams.
Step 7: You will get JNTU Hyderabad 3-2 Timetable Column wise with candidates Name.
The candidates, Apart from the results candidates who are not satisfied with their result, JNTUK provides another chance that is Revaluation/Recounting/Revaluation by the challenge. The last date to apply for the Revaluation/Recounting/Revaluation by the challenge is June 2024. “-1” in the field of externals indicates students absent for the respective subject. “-2” in the filed of externals indicates student Withheld for the respective subject. “-3” in the filed of externals indicates student Malpractice for the respective subject.